
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sun’s magnetic field to flip 180°

Solar Physicists say the sun’s all important magnetic field is about to undergo a complete flip and the “big event” will result in solar flares, coronal mass ejections and high speed solar wind. This poses a severe threat to satellite and space stations as the domain of the sun’s magnetic influence (also known as the hemisphere) extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto.
A change in the field’s polarity produces cosmic rays which are a danger to astronauts and space probes. Some researchers say they might affect climate on Earth. “it looks like we’re no more than three to four months away from complete field reversal”, Said solar Physicists Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. “This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system.”
The sun’s magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11 years. It happens at the peak of each solar cycle as the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo re-organizes itself. As earth orbits the sun, it dips in and out of its current sheet. Transitions from one side to another can strip up stormy space weather around out planet. Current sheet is sprawling surface jutting outwards from the sun’s equator where the sun’s slowly rotating magnetic field induces an electrical current. During field reversals, the current sheet becomes very wavy.
Cosmic rays are also affected. These are high-energy particles accelerated to nearly light speed by super-nova explosions and other violent events in the galaxy.
The current sheets acts as a barrier to cosmic rays, deflecting them as they attempt to penetrate the inner solar system. A wavy, crinkly sheet acts as a better shield against energetic particles from deep space.

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