
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Slingshot to put cargo into space?

An alternative transportation system to send small payloads and bulk cargo,like water or fuel,into space is being developed by a US company.
The Virginia company HyperV technologies corporation proposes to slingshot objects off the earth,rather than using chemical rockets."Imagine the old style sling,with a string that you would whirl a payload around and then you'd let go and it'd go flying off"HyperV president and chief scientist Dough Witherspoon said.
The system called "Slingatron"uses a spiral shaped steel track then accelerates a payload with gyrating,  hula hoop-like motions,"discovery news"reported. with around 60 cycles per second and precision timing,a pay load travelling along the inside of the spiral will synchronize with the hula hoop-motion and continue accelerating,he said. 

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